The Importance of PrEP in the MSM Sex Worker Community

By Emmanuel Chima David.

PrEP, short form of pre-exposure prophylaxis, has become an important tool in the war against HIV/AIDS. While its important goes across various demographics, its impact on the men who have sex with men (MSM) sex worker community is particularly profound.

For MSM sex workers, navigating the difficulty of their profession often involves managing different kinds of risk, including exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. In this context, PrEP serves as a crucial safeguard, offering a layer of protection against HIV transmission.

One of the key reasons PrEP is so important within the MSM sex worker community is the nature of their work, which frequently involves engaging in sexual activities with multiple partners. This increased exposure to potential HIV transmission underscores the necessity of proactive measures such as PrEP.

Moreover, the stigma and discrimination faced by MSM sex workers can create barriers to accessing healthcare services, including HIV prevention and treatment. PrEP empowers individuals within this community to take control of their sexual health, reducing reliance on external systems that may be inaccessible or judgmental.

Beyond its role in preventing HIV transmission, Prep also fosters a sense of agency and empowerment among MSM sex workers. By providing them with a tool to protect themselves, PrEP promotes autonomy and self-care within a context where vulnerability and marginalization are often pervasive.

However, it is essential to recognize that PrEP is not a standalone solution yes you heard that right.

 Comprehensive sexual health education, regular STI testing, access to condoms, and supportive healthcare services are all also components of holistic HIV prevention efforts within the MSM sex worker community.

 PrEP plays an important role in safeguarding the health and well-being of MSM sex workers by offering a reliable means of HIV prevention. As part of a broader strategy that prioritizes empowerment, access to healthcare, and destigmatization, Prep contributes to creating safer and healthier environments for MSM sex worker’s individuals.

Condoms Your Helmet Against HIV Transmission

By: Emmanuel Chima David

In the ongoing battle against HIV transmission, condoms stand out as one of the most effective weapons. These thin latex shields provide a crucial barrier that significantly reduces the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when used correctly. Let’s delve into why condoms are so vital in the realm of sexual health.

Condoms act as a physical barrier, preventing the exchange of bodily fluids during sexual activity. This barrier not only helps prevent HIV transmission but also reduces the risk of other STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. By using condoms consistently and correctly, individuals can safeguard themselves and their partners against these infections.

One of the greatest strengths of condoms is their accessibility. They are widely available in pharmacies, grocery stores, clinics, and online platforms, making them easy to obtain for individuals of all ages. Additionally, condoms are affordable and often distributed for free by health organizations, ensuring that cost is not a barrier to protection.

Condom use empowers individuals to take control of their sexual health. It allows them to make informed choices about their bodies and engage in safer sexual practices. By using condoms, individuals can enjoy sexual intimacy while minimizing the risk of HIV and other STIs, promoting a healthier and more responsible approach to sexual activity.

Using condoms encourages open communication between sexual partners about their sexual health and preferences. It creates an opportunity for discussions about STIs, contraception, and mutual consent. By prioritizing condom use, individuals can cultivate a culture of respect, trust, and responsibility within their sexual relationships.

Effective condom use requires knowledge and understanding. Education plays a crucial role in promoting condom use and dispelling myths and misconceptions surrounding their effectiveness. Through comprehensive sexual education programs, individuals can learn about the importance of condom use, proper usage techniques, and where to access condoms.

Condoms serve as a vital tool in the fight against HIV transmission and other STIs. Their accessibility, affordability, and effectiveness make them an indispensable resource for individuals seeking to protect their sexual health. By promoting condom use, we can empower individuals to make informed choices, foster healthier relationships, and ultimately reduce the prevalence of HIV and STIs in our communities. So, remember, when it comes to sexual health, always “wear your helmet” – use a condom.


By: Nuchi Nweneka

When we hear about HIV, we know it is related with different ‘myths and misconception around the world, mostly in Nigeria and Africa at large.

According to the last IBBSS survey the transgender community is on the highest on HIV prevalence with a staggering 29%, and this is due to different factors some of which will be explained during the cause of this discussion. There have been various myths, misconceptions, and belief about HIV and how it is related to the transgender community, in Nigeria and in Africa where we are filled with different cultures, religions and tribes they are some that believe that HIV is a curse placed on the LGBTQIA+ community mostly the transgender community because of their sexual identity, orientation and characteristics.

Before we get to discuss this issue lets first talk about HIV, HIV is Human in deficiency Virus and its mode of transmission and they are through sexual intercourse with an infected person, sharing of sharp objects like blade and syringes, transfusion of unscreened blood, mother to child transmission and through male and female circumcision.

Various organizations are doing their best to negate these myths by creating awareness, advocacy, sensitizing and educating the public and the Transgender community on HIV and why it affects the transgender community a lot leading to the high HIV prevalence in the transgender community.

When we look at the high prevalence of HIV, we realize that they are various factors that causes such increase and they are:

Harm Reduction services (NSP) a lot of transgender individuals do not have comprehensive information and knowledge about harm reduction thereby leading to them sharing needles as many people might not know apart from the PWID community the transgender community are the highest injectors be it for hormonal therapy, drug use and drug for exchange of protection thereby leading to transgender individuals practicing in these risky behaviors without understanding the need to exchange or dispose used needles leading to risk of acquiring HIV.

Secondly there is lack of HIV education in the transgender community and this mainly owing to the transgender community not being carried along in key intervention programs.

Thirdly the transgender community is seen as not being visible and this has led to the community being left out and the increase of HIV in the community.

Harmony caregivers Foundation as an organization is willing to address these issues through advocacy, sensitization, awareness, education on HIV and Harm reduction service provision thereby helping to reduce the HIV prevalence in the transgender community and correct the myths, misconceptions and beliefs surrounding the transgender community.

Beyond Male Circumcision: Combating HIV Spread Among Male Sex Workers in Nigeria


From our last blog, we now understand how circumcision helps in the fight against new HIV infection by at least 60%, particularly in socio-culturally religious countries like Nigeria. However, despite the protective benefits offered by male Circumcision, there has been an increase in new HIV infections among men who engage in transactional sex with men (MSM) in Nigeria as they are most at risk to this new HIV infection.

In this edition, we’ll learn additional strategies to curb HIV spread/ transmission amongst male sex workers in Nigeria.

Male sex workers remain a marginalized and stigmatized group of professionals in Nigeria that are often associated with high risk of HIV spread/transmission due to factors like unprotected sex, multiple partners and limited access to healthcare services. Moreover, societal discrimination and legal frameworks further increased the challenges faced by male sex workers thereby hindering their ability to access prevention and treatment services.

To effectively reduce the HIV infection rate among male sex workers in Nigeria, it’s important to address the structural barriers that hinder their access to healthcare services by proffering actionable solutions. These actionable solutions include advocacy, war against stigma and discrimination within the healthcare space, assurance of ethical confidentiality and privacy, also the provision of sociocultural-relative competency care features that are uniquely tailored to the needs of the Nigerian male sex worker…

Male Circumcision: (The New Messiah…)

Male Circumcision: (The New Messiah…)


Nigeria as a country happens to be one of the countries with an increased rate of HIV/AIDS. In the late 90s through early 2000s, Nigeria fought against HIV/AIDS tirelessly with a lot of lives getting lost in the battle and the health care system suffering a strain under the weight of the challenge at the time. While all these rage on, a silver lining cuts across the sky; a new hope arises from the least expected therefore unlikely source: “male circumcision.”

Whilst the Merriam Webster dictionary defines male circumcision as, the cutting off of the foreskin of males that is practiced as a religious rite by Jews and Muslims and by others as a social custom or for potential health benefits (such as improved hygiene), Google, citing Better Health Channel, puts it as the surgical removal of the foreskin that covers the tip of the penis. It, in fact, says that most circumcisions are performed for family, cultural or religious reasons.

Male circumcision is a practice deeply rooted in cultural and religious traditions, yet it’s been known for its potential to curb the spread of HIV/AIDS, particularly in countries like Nigeria.


I would guess that you are definitely asking yourself how this is possible. Let us go into the science behind it; “evidence dey, no need to explain taya!”

Recent studies have shown that male circumcision can reduce the risk of HIV transmission. I know you wonder, “how?!”According to the Centre for Diseases Control (CDC) Fact Sheets dated to 2014 and last reviewed in 2022, male circumcision can reduce a male’s chances of acquiring HIV by 50% to 60% during heterosexual contact with female partners with HIV, according to data from three clinical trials. Circumcised men compared with uncircumcised men have also been shown in clinical trials to be less likely to acquire new infections with syphilis (by 42%), genital ulcer disease (by 48%), genital herpes (by 28% to 45%), and high-risk strains of human papillomavirus associated with cancer (by 24% to 47% percent) due to the obvious fact of the foreskin of the male genital (“penis”) being vulnerable to tears and abrasions during sexual intercourse, thereby providing an entry point for the virus. By removing the foreskin through circumcision, the risk of HIV transmission is significantly reduced.

Moreover, back home in Nigeria, with a population of over 200 million people and an HIV prevalence rate of 1.4%, the impact of any intervention in Nigeria is continuous on the global scale. The Male Circumcision Campaign(s) supported by both government and non-governmental organizations have increased in recent years. This initiative aims not only to provide safe and accessible circumcision services but to raise awareness about the protective benefits of the procedure as well.

Now, for a fact, 90% of MSM PLHIV are circumcised yet tested positive. What could be the problem?

Meanwhile, male circumcision is not the only solution out there, these other strategies and answers to questions raised in this blog would be revealed here in the following weeks. Therefore, watch out for our next blog.

The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on HIV Vulnerability in MSM

By Adejuyigbe Oluwasegun

How much money you have, and your social situation can affect how likely you are to get HIV if you’re a man who has sex with men (MSM). One big deal is getting healthcare. If you have more money, you can get better healthcare, like regular HIV tests and proper treatment. But if you don’t have much money, it’s harder to access these services, and that can mean finding out about HIV later and starting treatment later.

Education matters too. If you’ve gone to school more, you tend to know more about HIV and how to protect yourself. But if you haven’t had many chances for education, you might not know as much and could be at a higher risk of getting HIV.

Your financial situation also affects your lifestyle. If you’re struggling with money, you might end up in unstable living conditions or make riskier choices. Using drugs, which can be tied to not having much money, can also lead to riskier sex.

The way people treat you and the stigma you face are connected to how much money you have. If you’re not well-off, you might face more discrimination, making it harder to seek help. This makes it more likely for you to be at risk of getting HIV.

In short, how much money you have, and your social status can make it harder for MSM to avoid HIV. Fixing this means making healthcare more available, giving better education, reducing discrimination, and dealing with money inequalities to create a fair and supportive environment for everyone, no matter how much money they have...