About Us

Learn more about NHVMAS

NHVMAS is a popularly owned campaign, with its members, supporters and partners as the driving force. It was established in 2003 as a broad movement of vaccine and microbicides advocates. It resulted from outcomes of collaborative meetings held around the drafting of Nigeria’s National Vaccine Plan in 2001/2002; Networking among advocates after microbicide conferences in USA (2001), Belgium (2002) and advocates meeting at Microbicides 2004 in London (25 Nigerian advocates in attendance). This resulted in the first National Advocates Meeting in Abuja in May 2004. NHVMAS was formed to ensure the proactive participation of Nigeria and Nigerians in global efforts for the development of new HIV prevention tools. It also recognises that there is an ethical imperative to seek, as urgently as possible, effective and accessible new HIV prevention tools to complement other existing prevention strategies. It is a non profit organization.

A Nigeria where new biomedical HIV prevention and reproductive health tools are readily accessible to its citizens.

Strategic vision:
A strengthened NHVMAS that is strategically position to address NPT and reproductive health related issues as defined in the national HIV/AIDS respon

To halt the spread of HIV and AIDS in Nigeria by increasing the range of HIV prevention tools through ensuring the availability of safe, effective, acceptable and affordable New HIV Prevention Technologies and tools for all Nigerians as soon as they are discovered and or developed

  1. Promote public understanding and support for the participation of Nigeria in international New HIV Prevention Technology research and development efforts
  2. Promote early involvement of Nigeria in New HIV Prevention Technology research and development relevant to her HIV/AIDS control plans
  3. Mobilize active participation of Nigeria and her nationals in New HIV Prevention Technology research and development activities
  4. Ensure access by Nigerians to a safe, effective and affordable HIV New HIV Prevention Technology when developed
  5. Collaborate with other institutions and organizations locally and internationally for the rapid development of a safe and effective New HIV Prevention Technology for all humanity through effective partnerships

To achieve its mission, NHVMAS works through four Operational Strategies:

Public Communication and Enlightenment: Through regular public communication programmes, NHVMAS promotes popular community support for the NPT development process. This we do through workshops and seminars, communication (press articles, TV/radio appearances, publications etc), advocacy visits, meetings, exhibitions, public speaking engagements etc.

Policy Advocacy: With NPT research, the need to ensure political commitment is paramount. Through research and analyses, policy development, monitoring and implementation, we ensure the creation and sustenance of a people-friendly policy environment for NPT research in Nigeria

Capacity building: Because NPT research and development are a highly intensive and high-capacity process, we promote activities to build the capacity of Nigerian institutions and advocates, including facilitation of training opportunities, participation at international conferences and meetings, research assistance, sponsorship of scientific conferences and publication of scientific papers.

International collaboration: This involves building broad international support for the NPT development process in Nigeria and ensuring that our national interests are protected in NPT development worldwide.

The New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society -- organogram

It works through five Thematic Groups with the following terms of reference:

Resource Mobilisation Committee:The committee identifies and harnesses human and material resources within and outside the country interested in funding and supporting New HIV Prevention Technology research and development. It also engages in income generating activities to fund activities of the group and for the broader new HIV prevention technology development efforts in Nigeria.

Scientific Committee: The Committee is to monitor and track issues related to new HIV prevention technology development worldwide, create awareness on prospective research opportunities on New HIV prevention technology research in the Nigerian scientific community, and identify and support research and development activities by Nigerian institutions and nationals (locally or outside the country) on New HIV Prevention Technology development.

Ethics, Law and Human Rights Committee: The committee is to ensure that the process of New HIV Prevention Technology research and development in Nigeria conforms to national and international standards, keep stakeholders updated on various ethical issues related to New HIV Prevention Technology research, and liaise with and mobilise organisations working on ethical issues in the country to include New HIV Prevention Technology as an issue in their agenda.

Community Mobilisation Committee: The Committee is to ensure new HIV prevention technology research and development education and awareness creation is integrated into overall HIV prevention efforts, ensure popular community (CSO, CSO, private sector, media, religious sector etc) participation, and ensure community preparedness for New HIV Prevention Technology research and future uptake.

Public Communication Committee: The committee is to ensure that all communities in Nigeria are brought on board and carried along in New HIV Prevention Technology development efforts, ensure public ownership, understanding and familiarity with new HIV prevention technology issues, design and carry out a strategy for appropriate and accurate public communication on the new HIV prevention technology development process, and liaise with media stakeholders and promote their full support and involvement in new HIV prevention technology advocacy.