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The New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society (formerly Nigeria HIV Vaccine and Microbicides Advocacy Group-NHVMAG) was born out of a collective vision of a few Nigerian activists to ensure proactive and early involvement of the Nigerian Government and its citizens in New HIV Prevention Technology research and development.

Our Vision

A Nigeria where new biomedical HIV prevention and reproductive health tools are readily accessible to its citizens

Strategic Vision


A strengthened NHVMAS that is strategically positioned to address NPT and reproductive health related issues as defined in the national HIV/AIDS response plans


Our Mission


To halt the spread of HIV and AIDS in Nigeria by increasing the range of HIV prevention tools through ensuring the availability of safe, effective, acceptable and affordable New HIV Prevention Technologies and tools for all Nigerians as soon as they are discovered and or developed

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NHVMAS at a Glance

The New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society (formerly Nigeria HIV Vaccine and Microbicides Advocacy Group-NHVMAG) was born out of a collective vision of a few Nigerian activists to ensure proactive and early involvement of the Nigerian Government and its citizens in New HIV Prevention Technology research and development.NHVMAS is a popularly owned campaign, with its members, supporters and partners as the driving force. It was established in 2003 as a broad movement of vaccine and microbicides advocates. It resulted from outcomes of collaborative meetings held around the drafting of Nigeria’s National Vaccine Plan in 2001/2002; Networking among advocates after microbicide conferences in USA (2001), Belgium (2002) and advocates meeting at Microbicides 2004 in London (25 Nigerian advocates in attendance). This resulted in the first National Advocates Meeting in Abuja in May 2004.

Our Story

The New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society was born out of a collective vision of a few Nigerian activists to ensure proactive and early involvement of the Nigerian Government and its citizens in New HIV Prevention Technology research and development.

Our Vision

A Nigeria where new biomedical HIV prevention and reproductive health tools are readily accessible to its citizens. Strategic vision: A strengthened NHVMAS that is strategically position to address NPT and reproductive health related issues as defined in the national HIV/AIDS response plans.

Group Discussion

The New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society works with communities through its partner organisations and individuals to facilitate research literacy. Updating and information sharing is a key strategy of NHVMAS in achieve this goal. It therefore ensures all its members are enlisted on its mailing list for the NHVMAS ECHOES and subscription to its list-serve.

News and Insights